Settings Commands

Most of Kettu's settings can be configured with the settings command or Kettu's dashboard. The only exception to this is nitro which is temporally only available on the dashboard and setselfrole because this is a legacy function.

Command Reference

k! or setlevel <member> <level> [method]

Sets the level of a user

Aliases: set-level, sl, changelevel

Permission Level: ManageGuild

k! or setxp <member> <level> [method]

Sets the xp of a user

Aliases: set-xp, sxp, changexp

Permission Level: ManageGuild

k! or / nitro

Gives you the dashboard link to setup the nitro boost messages

Aliases: setnitro

Permission Level: ManageGuild

k!prefix [new prefix]

Returns the server prefix or updates it if a new prefix is provided.

Aliases: setprefix, newprefix, prefox

Permission Level: ManageGuild

k! or / settings

Changes and displays Kettu's current settings

Aliases: setting

Permission Level: ManageGuild

k! or / setselfrole <@Role>/Role name/Role ID>

Sets or removes a role from the self assignable list. If no role is provided it will list the current self assignable list. This is a legacy feature, expect this to be replaced sometime in the future.

Aliases: setsr, ssr

Permission Level: ManageGuild